Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Political God?

As most of you know, I have been an active follower of this historic American election, a race between a senator from Illinois with the funny name and a veteran war hero with a self-proclaimed nick-name, The Maverick. As you all know, getting here for both candidates have been a long journey, perhaps longer for the guy from Chicago who had to battle hard like Rocky the underdog, to overcome the powerhouse of the Clinton camp.

I need not say that the 2008 presidential election is more than just another US election. This is one of those rare times in history when a lot is at stake and there is so much to gain or lose for both candidates, their parties, the lobbyists, the big corporations, United States as a nation, their “enemies” - Iran, Russian, North Korea, their “Allies” - UK, Iraq, Israel, Georgia, their “investors” China and Saudi Arabia, all the other countries across the Atlantic and whether you like it or not, me and you. Following this election has unveiled so much, politically, morally, leadership and most importantly the God-factor.

The God-factor? I mean, what the hec has God got to do with Obama and McCain’s ambitions to become the most powerful men in the world one might ask? Why would God even be interested in a country that many believe has acted against every principle their forefathers laid down? Don’t forget we are talking about a country where the popular “In God we Trust” motto is now more or less “In War we thrive”. The US that accused Russian Federation of invading a sovereign nation of Georgia, but whose action in Iraq is a clear indication of its hypocritical nature.

God certainly cannot be interested in a nation that advocates human rights and freedom like a child advocates the Ice Cream man’s arrival – however, its alleged holding and torturing of unconvinced prisoners in Guantanamo Bay is nothing but the most brutal human right abuse the world has ever known. I mean, the list of the US alleged crimes goes on and on… American actor Clint Eastwood once asked, “Will God ever forgive us for the sin we have committed?” he asked. His fellow Hollywood star Denzel Washington answered and said, “I looked around here, and God has gone, a long time ago”. And I sort of agree!

Albeit, perhaps that’s why God might just be interested in the United Snakes, ooops, sorry States of America’s affair once again. A friend once said maybe He wants to restore morality once more. Or God might possibly be on a mission to bring law and order back to Washington once again. Whatever the notion may be, it is clear that the future of this once great nation hangs in the balance, to the point that the 4th of November is so crucial to where the future pendulum of the United States of America swings. God help us all it swings in the right direction.

Friends, a lot has been said, discussed, analysed, written, and blogged about this election that you probably won’t read any new thing until November 4th unless they find a huge skeleton in someone’s cupboard. With all that has been much talked about, I’m yet to find much discussion, analysis or blog on “The God-factor” in this race, by this I mean the God-aspect (or if you like the spiritual dimension) of this race. As most of you know, the spiritual controls the physical. This concept therefore suggests to me that there must be a spiritual campaign and a spiritual election to take place and the Big Guy up there is at the helm of it.

Readers, before this race, I would probably have argued against but certainly not for the fact that God was interested in politics. My main reference to every life issue is of course The Bible, and there is no where that I can point out to you that can help establish the fact that God is a politician, or is there? Perhaps! I know God is like a Chameleon, who can be every and anything depending on the situation He’s in, but concluding that the US election would be an interest to Him would have been just a conjecture. This is mainly because of the fact that the whole belief that America might have been rejected by the Sovereign Ruler, a perception that I believe in to a certain degree.

So as we count down to November 4th, I have begun or shall we say God has begun to show me certain things that might just suggest His interest in this race. See, I would have kept all this to myself as I don't intent to add to this much talked about presidential race. However, what I discovered on Tuesday morning after waking up to the breaking news that the £700 billion economic bail-out has failed makes it so important that I blog my way through to the White House and beyond. The dimension Ruach will be coming from is that of a “scribe”, who only writes as he’s directed. I know we all have the freedom of speech but I've chosen to only speak and write what I receive.

Phew!!! It’s so exciting that I’m starting my first blog at such a time in history as this. Watch out for my weekly posts, and as we draw close to the election period, perhaps daily insights into what’s in this race for the US, your country, you and the candidates! I can imagine someone saying how can you tell? Well, this is Ruach!
Thank you.
N.B: Pls feel free to drop your comments!


Anonymous said...

Nice one Kollytion... I'll keep an eye on your posts.

Anonymous said...

Kollytion... Found your blog online and I must ur first one is lookin interesting. What, are you suggesting that God already has a saviour (in a president) for the US. Well, I personally don't think God can ever forgive the US for the atrocities they have committed around the world.

I really think the whole creadit crisis is not a coincidence. It is payback time for the US and until they put their house order, things might not get better.

Anyway, that's my opinin. Looking forward to more posts from you.


InCogNaija said...

This election i believe is going to be a major change factor, this country needs to head in a different direction before God just vex finish and thunder and fire them sodom and gomorrah style...i am just saying. He will give me warning tho like he did lot and his family so i can ja back to naija...no looking back...i cant chout!!